Sandy’s fascination with Eastern culture began at an early age— but it was the realization that working through the body can lead into the Self that led her to fall in love with yoga.
Experiencing the way these practices grant access to greater consciousness and a more open heart drives her dedication. Sandy (E-RYT 200 YACEP) completed her initial certification under David Magone through a Buddhist framework, broadened her study by advanced training with Caitlyn Visconte, AG & Indra Mohan, Nikki Vilella (75 hr), and Ame Wren, and takes an annual holy pilgrimage in India to renew her connection. Bhakti, or yoga of the heart, has become the center of her personal practice and the inspiration for all she shares. She is grateful for guidance in Bhakti by Raghunath and the teachings of Ram Dass and Neem Karoli Baba. In addition to studio yoga classes, Sandy teaches yoga philosophy and completed a 500-hour academic yogic studies program (YSACP) through the Yogic Studies school.
She sees asana as an opportunity to illuminate and nurture elements of insight, compassion and awareness - to ultimately act in the world with more love.
To Sandy, yoga does not give easy answers, in fact, it asks something more from us. She knows that moving the breath and the body can prepare us for the path of spiritual perspective, and in that vain hopes to share with her students all that she has gained from her own teachers’ generosity.
Classes are physically challenging, yet modifiable for a wide range of abilities. Sandy aims to shape an atmosphere that trusts and encourages individuals’ to honor their own experience and to go beyond physical movement. Expect classes infused with traditional yogic teachings, with detailed physical cues and sequencing to help students experience progress and awaken personal insight. And, when the “bhav” (mood) strikes, Sandy may play the harmonium during savasana.
9:30 - 10:45am
75 min virtual & in-studio
6:00 -7:15pm
75 min in-studio
7:00 - 8:00am
60 min virtual & in-studio
11:15 -12:30pm
75 min in-studio

यत्रोपरमते चित्तं निरुद्धं योगसेवया |
यत्र चैवात्मनात्मानं पश्यन्नात्मनि तुष्यति ||
When the mind comes to stillness by the practice of yoga, the yogi will see the Soul through the self and rest in inner joy.
Connect to work with Sandy about your studio’s teacher training or workshop needs.
Follow along on Instagram for Sandy’s yoga thoughts, travels and offerings.