Sandy welcomes opportunities to work with the full spectrum of “helpers” (as Mr. Rogers might say): therapists, healing guides, medical staff, yoga teachers, coaches, etc.. Bodies are part of any relational dialogue - whether spoken or unspoken, acknowledged or unacknowledged. Individuals in these roles often feel a instinct towards a less shaming, and more supportive, skillful & kind way to navigate health and embodiment with clients (rather then talking about weight). But, they don’t know where to start. These are some of my favorite discussions to have!
Over one or several sessions (virtual) we can untangle all of your thoughts/questions, and I will offer accessible useful language and key concepts to shift your practice. Our conversations might also be in the spirit of professional supervision to consult about a particular client or situation.
Not only does this have the potential to make your care more effective, but can also improve retention and foster more trust and safety relationally.
Get in touch to discuss.
For those helping others work through the body, into the Self.

"Rest is the sense of slowly coming home, the physical journey into the body’s uncorked and un-bullied self…a sense of healing and self-forgiveness and of arrival. “
— David Whyte