This Land
The land remembers its keepers and caretakers, indigenous grandmothers and grandfathers.
The original custodians of this local land we now call Boston within The Commonwealth of Massachusetts were the Massachuseuck ("the People of the Great Hill") and Pâwatuhqut ("the People of the Rapids"). These Native Nations were nearly eliminated by disease and war by European colonists.
I honor the living lineage of these tribes and their ancestors; embrace an honest history of the land where I now reside; and aligning with indigenous wisdom, aim to live in reciprocity with the land and all beings.
“The land is the real teacher, all we need as students is mindfulness. Paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world, receiving the gifts with open eyes & open heart... the rush of waterfalls & the silence of mosses have the last word."
- Robin Wall Kimmerer (Author & member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation)